Episode 17: Halloween Pt. 1
Thanks for tuning in for the first part of our three part Halloween Special.
First off, we let you have a little more behind the scenes “before” we were rolling. We chat about comics, comic movies, masticating, and post podcast food. We also open up the meat and potatoes portion of the show with some of Michael’s original music for a film he’s scoring under the name Juncture, and can be found at www.juncturemusic.com. Michael and I discuss how our Halloweens have changed now that we have kiddos. Pardon our quick Walking Dead Spoiler, by the way.
Here are the stories we tell for this first Halloween episode.
St. Anthony’s Wheelchair Man and The St. A’s Attic
Mario’s Old House and the Shadow People
The Flood House and The Vortex
Mario’s Old Apartment Bathroom Ghost
The House on Ceralvo
Carolyn’s Dog and the Ghost Child
Salami Man
The Ghost Car
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Music by San Antonio musician, Team Felix - No Women, No Kids