Episode 06: Sterling Silver
So, usually we cover more than one topic during an episode, but occasionally we'll have a topic that requires much more conversation. In this case, the recent happenings in the Clippers organization surrounding Donald Sterling, have brought up so much conversation that we couldn't help ourselves.
Since this issue is pretty much all encompassing and such a hot button topic, we'd really love to hear from you all. What are your thoughts on the punishment handed down by Adam Silver? Was it too harsh, not harsh enough? What would you have done if it was solely up to you?
We also covered several types of racism and how we as a society allow certain types to continue and how other types just make you a dirt bag.
Let us know what you think though! You can email us at feedback@iagtpod.com, call us on our Google VM line at 210-802-1197, or comment on our website www.iagtpod.com. Thanks for any and all feedback.
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Music by San Antonio musician, Team Felix - No Women, No Kids