Welcome Sisters!
Come on in! Pull up a chair, get your notepad and pen ready as we dive into more great tips and advice for your entrepreneur journey!
Today we are having a conversation with Aletha of Aletha and Co.
Aletha specializes in helping black women with the right mix and quality of marketing and branding their business deserves. She is passionate and dedicated to helping black women entrepreneurs gain the freedom to do what they love most in their business with peace of mind.
Aletha will offer you great tips, strategies, solutions and resources for impacting your bottom line positively.
Aletha has a very personal approach that has led her through her own entrepreneur journey thus far. Her sincerity, creativity, and discipline shines as she shares her mission.
Like all of us, she has experienced challenges and shares how she navigates the entrepreneur journey with motherhood, wifehood, and remembering to prioritize her self-care.
A graduate of Spellman College, Aletha has long had an entrepreneur energy, and believes in giving back.
Join us in this sacred circle and enjoy all the gracious sharing!
Be sure to reach out to Althea in the following places:
IG: @alethaandco