In the modern day, we don't often see punishments so strict that they could be passed down to their children. This week however, we got to see one!
Do you have any examples of supernatural curses in your life? Do you believe any group in particular has been singled out divinely for protection or punishment? If so, this is the weekend to tell us! You can call us toll-free at 585-526-8774 or and tell us why!
___________________ TIME STAMPS & CALL NOTES
00:00 - Intro - Eric got a vasectomy and Alex Jones got emasculated! 06:34 - Nick (he/him) - TN - What about Christians who don’t believe in hell? 20:35 - Sphinx (he/him) - TN - This might be uncomfortable to listen to. 29:53 - Steven (he/him) - AZ - Our society is set up for secular curses 37:53 - Kay (he/him) - Nowhere - Is identity politics empowering prejudice? 01:01:00 - Seb (they/them) - CAN - Abusing empathy 01:13:23 - Chris (he/him) - SCT - Does ableism empower treating people as less than human? 01:23:45 - End of show
00:00 - Intro - Eric got a vasectomy and Alex Jones got emasculated! What does it mean for society when a jury finds someone liable for nearly a BILLION dollars? Eric has some opinions!
06:34 - Nick (he/him) - TN - What about Christians who don’t believe in hell? Nick was blindsided during a conversation with a Christian friend who doesn’t believe in hell! Eric takes a moment to point out that not all denominations believe in hell, which makes listening so very important. But now down to brass tacks, could a god me morally palatable if hell is off the table?
20:35 - Sphinx (he/him) - TN - This might be uncomfortable to listen to. Sphinx took the opportunity to talk about a very painful subject for Eric today… literally! In the wake of the supreme court’s decisions, getting a vasectomy is a good option for those who can get them! Eric answers some questions about his experience in the hopes of making it a little less scary for others.
29:53 - Steven (he/him) - AZ - Our society is set up for secular curses Steven points out that a curse doesn’t need to be supernatural. From the legal system to one’s own family, the impact of a person’s decisions can have lasting repercussions even after their death. That said, we shouldn’t view the children as guilty, but the punishments of their parents being carried out.
37:53 - Kay (he/him) - Nowhere - Is identity politics empowering prejudice? Kay wanted to ask some pretty tough questions today about Eric’s ethnicity. What are the costs and benefits of embracing your ethnicity? What about your beliefs? Would abandoning them get the world closer to peace, or would it simply empower bigotry?
01:01:00 - Seb (they/them) - CAN - Abusing empathy Seb hit close to home today with Eric. Churches often depend on other people to be the bigger person, in order to control them. This isn’t just a religious problem though. Those who have endured this kind of abuse often are left with learned trauma responses that need to be unlearned as adults. We need to remember that we deserve our boundaries, and that it isn’t selfish to let people own their own bad behavior.
01:13:23 - Chris (he/him) - SCT - Does ableism empower treating people as less than human? Chris wants to talk about the way ableism is still a big conversation that we as a society have to engage in! They both discuss the importance of education and normalization to break down the “othering” that happens around neurodivergence, mobility, and more. ___________________ Skeptic Generation is LIVE every Sunday at 11:30am-1:00pm CT Call on your phone: 585-LA-MURPH (585-526-8774) Call online: