Today is a good day to remember what religious extremism can do to people. Watch this instead of war propaganda reruns. Call 585-526-8774 or to talk with us. Also, Moco makes an extended appearance on this episode, so you will see lots of cute fluffy cat butt. ___________________ TIME STAMPS & CALL NOTES
00:00 - Intro - 3000 Deaths 02:54 - Can You Consent to Exist? - Ian (he/him) - NC 17:39 - Bodily Autonomy vs Harm Reduction - Ale (she/her) - WA 35:22 - Islam and Social Justice - Sajid (he/him) - CAN 47:28 - Should We Tolerate Bad Beliefs? - Chris (he/him) - SCT 1:06:30 - What Is Religious Extremism? - Rich (he/him) - WA 1:19:52 - Superchats
02:54 Did Vi contradict themself in their anti-natalist argument? This caller thinks they might have. Vi and Eric mess around with the philosophy of their positions versus the practical, day-to-day approach. Can both coexist? Did Vi, in fact, get it wrong?
17:39 Can you hold both bodily autonomy and harm reduction as moral values? What happens when they contradict each other? This ex-Catholic caller is wondering if there’s a silver bullet, or if it’s always going to be this complicated to figure out? Vi has some bad news for her.
35:22 A Muslim caller speaks against Islamic extremism and represents a Sufi perspective. Eric challenges him on his beliefs, and why his perspective is the correct one. Vi gets excited about their experiences with Sufi mystic poetry.
47:28 Repeat caller Chris returns to ask if we should tolerate people with bad beliefs in society. Vi emphasizes the difference between tolerating people versus tolerating their beliefs, and Eric says that mockery and making fun of bad ideas will always be a valuable tool. Chris agrees, after all, mockery got him out of his own bad beliefs.
1:06:30 What is religious extremism, and how do we identify the beginnings of it in others? Vi offers a broad-scale cultural perspective, while Eric gets right down to brass tacks and talks about the day-to-day political and social identifiers of religious extremism. ___________________ Skeptic Generation is LIVE every Sunday at 11:30am-1:00pm CT Call on your phone: 585-LA-MURPH (585-526-8774) Call online: