Episode description
Music is pouring out of every store as we move into the Christmas season. If you believe, we'd love to know if you think there's a war on Christmas! We have open lines and are ready to talk about what you believe and why : 585-526-8774 or tiny.cc/callSG.__________________
00:00 - Intro - Holiday Plans
12:37 - Conner (he/him) - CO - Conspiracy Theorists vs Theists
26:27 - Johnathan (they/them) - AL - How To Care for Aging Christian Relatives?
34:53 - Emily (she/her) - TX - The Dangers of Alternative Medicine + What Is Jilly Juice??
41:32 - Steven (he/they) - NY - My Coworker Thinks the Goddess Freya Is Contacting Him!
56:00 - Ken (he/him) - BD - Does The Bible Command Slavery?
1:06:00 - Scott (he/him) - SC - Theist Says God Causes Evil But Is Also Good!
Connor has called back after our last conversation about a flat earth to ask: “Why do conspiracy theorists get more hate than religious people?” The hosts end up getting into a fun (for them) argument about the correlation between religion and conspiracy, who causes more harm, and whether you should react to either group with contempt.
If your aging grandparent is being poisoned by Fox News, what should you do? How do you care for a relative who is in cognitive and physical decline, who may be taken advantage of by organizations or individuals pushing agendas? Johnathan is facing this themself, and is looking for advice!
This caller was personally poisoned by alternative medicine, and has a story to tell. She and Eric bond over the dangerous and anti-scientific claims that have caused them pain, and dive more deeply into why such thinking should be discouraged.
Steven is a secular pagan who may have accidentally converted a coworker! Now his colleague thinks the goddess Freya is communicating with him… how should Steve solve this? Or does he need to? Vi and Eric discuss how to ethically discuss your beliefs with someone, and the limits of your responsibility.
Ken doesn’t “speak Bible” so he called the hosts, because they do! This caller asks why there’s so much debate around whether the Bible commands slavery or not. Eric takes point to break down why different Christian groups interpret the text differently.
Can God be at once fully in control and also not responsible for evil? Can humans have free will if God also has a master plan for everything? This caller says yes! Vi and Eric are confused. One of the most enjoyable theist calls in a while, we really hope Scott calls back… because we have more questions than answers at this point!
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