Episode description
We have a lot to celebrate this week, and we want to celebrate with you! Call in and chat with us about what you believe and why!Skeptic Generation is LIVE every Sunday at 11:30am-1:00pm CT
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00:00 - Intro - Celebrating 5K Subs!
05:47 - Salvatore (he/him) - LA - What Is Atheopaganism?
21:24 - Joe (he/him) - VA - Is Vi A Hypocrite?
38:10 - Mr. Delicieux (he/him) - CAN - The Seven Day Week Proves God?
1:05:20 - Robin (he/him) - DC - You Can’t Prove Your Memories Are Real, Therefore I’m Right
1:29:20 - Outro - BIG Patreon Announcement
We’re celebrating hitting 5,000 subs this week, plus reaching 100,000 views on YouTube! We’re so excited to be doing this, and so glad you’re joining us! We also hint at a BIG Patreon announcement at the end of the episode, so stay tuned!
Can you be an atheist and a pagan? Why would you choose to be both? Salvatore calls back to tell us why ritual and community are so important to him, and how he rationalizes his worldview as a “religious but not spiritual” person.
Joe is unhappy with how Vi handled a previous call about the connection between being transgender and trans-racial. Vi sets the record straight, and Eric discusses how racial identity is nuanced and deserves to be more than a gotcha for anti-trans rhetoric.
See the initial clip here: https://youtu.be/rEhBH9wmwLo
If you have suggestions for further education on the connection between race and gender (if there is one), or the concept of trans-racialism, link it in the comments! We want to learn more.
This is perhaps the strangest call Skeptic Generation has taken. Mr. Delicieux calls in claiming that the seven day week is proof of Jesus’s divinity. According to Mr. D, other atheist YouTubers have failed against this argument. Will Eric and Vi be the ones to stump him? Watch the hosts get progressively more dumbfounded as he plows ahead, dropping insults throughout.
In his last call for a while, Robin tries to switch the burden of proof on the hosts by demanding they explain how they know the earth is not five minutes old and all their memories implanted. “If you cannot disprove this with your standards of evidence,” he claims, “then atheism is not rational.”
Check out Robin’s previous calls for context:
“Vi Versus A Darth Dawkins Clone”: https://youtu.be/vlx5E0tdweQ
“Eric Says Your God Concept Is Bunk!”: https://youtu.be/4m7-lPSVXyo
Before we give our traditionally spontaneous outro, we have an announcement! Our Patreon is going to change significantly next week, and Founding Patrons (everyone who has pledged before then) will be locking in some sweet perks. If you’re interested in being an SG Founder, check out our Patreon here: http://tiny.cc/donatetoSG.
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