When organizations hire managers they tend to look for experience in a similar role, or someone that might be able to take the team or organization to a higher level or a different strategic place. It’s rare to come across hiring teams that select managers on a “does not drive their team crazy basis.” And there are few management issues that people complain about as much as this one: micromanagement. We discuss:
What is micromanagement?
Why does it occur and what happens when it does?
How to deal with micromanagement from three perspectives: as a senior leader wanting to ensure it’s not happening, as a leader who wants to be a good leader, as a subordinate who is being micromanaged.
Links and Other Information
Related episode: Bad Bosses–The Technical Expert Who Fails at Leadership
Tavanti, M. (2011). Managing toxic leaders: Dysfunctional patterns in organizational leadership and how to deal with them. Human Resource Management, 2011, 127-136. Click here
Alvesson, M., & Sveningsson, S. (2003). Good visions, bad micro-management and ugly ambiguity: Contradictions of (non-) leadership in a knowledge-intensive organization. Organization Studies, 24(6), 961-988. click here
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