Being the new person can be really tough. And helping newcomers is an important part of how we make teams work and how we get along well in society. In this episode, we discuss:
- What does it mean to feel welcomed
- Why it matters in the workplace and in broader society
- Tips for all of us
Links and Other Information
Siegel, A., Esqueda, M., Berkowitz, R., Sullivan, K., Astor, R. A., & Benbenishty, R. (2019). Welcoming parents to their child’s school: Practices supporting students with diverse needs and backgrounds. Education and Urban Society, 51(6), 756-784. Click here
Eisenkraft, N., & Elfenbein, H. A. (2010). The way you make me feel: Evidence for individual differences in affective presence. Psychological Science, 21(4), 505-510. Click here
Madrid, H. P., Totterdell, P., Niven, K., & Barros, E. (2016). Leader affective presence and innovation in teams. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101(5), 673-686. Click here
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