In this episode, we discuss training at work. Specifically, we examine what’s widely known in the training industry as the 70:20:10 rule. One part of this idea is that most of the learning that occurs at work happens informally and not through more formal experiences like those in the classroom. But does this idea stand the test of science? We explore:
- The 70:20:10 rule and a review of the evidence
- Maximizing the value of on-the-job training
- Implications for people, leaders, and organizations
Links and Other Information
Clardy, A. (2018). 70-20-10 and the dominance of informal learning: A fact in search of evidence. Human Resource Development Review, 17(2), 153-178. Click here
Johnson, S. J., Blackman, D. A., & Buick, F. (2018). The 70: 20: 10 framework and the transfer of learning. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 29(4), 383-402. Click here
Steven Rogelberg’s book, The Surprising Science of Meetings (Amazon)
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