Full episode on Patreon. ZE is a legendary graffiti writer from South Brooklyn, known for his hardcore bombing style and partnership with the late great RUSH ACID. He gained mass appeal in the early 1990s for his aggressive straightforward approach to graffiti, hitting elevated tracks, motions on subway cars, trucks and streets with legible handstyles and classic New York style throw ups using primarily chrome paint.
ZE is part of the ACID Crew (Attack Crush Invade, Destroy), a graffiti crew that has made a significant mark in the New York graffiti scene, with members like the late great RUSH, HOJO, DECO, GOUCH and SOBER. ZE's partnership with RUSH is particularly noted for the style and visibility of their work across Brooklyn and other boroughs. The duo's consistency and dedication have cemented their legacy in NYC graffiti history.