On this week’s Dave Portnoy Show w/ Eddie and Co., Brooks Koepka joins the show to discuss the upcoming “The Match 2.0” between Brooks playing exclusively lefty vs. Dave playing completely normally. The Ice Man, Elio, also joins to discuss his inability to recognize a reporter’s “hit piece” intentions, and what an article that someone doing “FBI-level research” could be about. Eddie also asks Dave to dive deeper into his recent Bitcoin back and forth with Elon Musk, his appearance on the Ben Shapiro show, and his being the cover of Nantucket Magazine. Also featured: Dave confronts Eddie about “The Dozen” tournament and his loyalty to Rico Bosco, a reflection on RnR 14 and a look ahead to the future of the event, and Dave’s thoughts on the first Barstool NFT. THE DERBY 04:01 - 07:47 BROOKS KOEPKA 07:47 - 25:09 HIT PIECE / ELIO 25:09 - 37:29 ELON MUSK 37:29 - 39:45 THE MEDIA 39:45 - 48:48 RICO BOSCO / THE DOZEN 48:48 - 52:26 ROUGH N ROWDY 52:26 - 56:14 INSIDE BARSTOOL 56:14 - END Please support our sponsors! PRESENTED BY TRADE ZERO Sign up with http://barstool.link/TradeZeroDAVE BLACK RIFLE COFFE Go to http://barstool.link/BlackRifleCoffeeDAVE and use code DAVE today and get the freshest coffee in America shipped to you! TRIFECTA NUTRITION Shop meal plans and get 40% off with code DAVE, https://www.trifectanutrition.com/ SLIQ To learn more go to http://barstool.link/SLIQDAVE
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