Will Compton from Bussin With The Boys joins this week’s pod to talk about Dave’s comments about active player podcasts on last week’s show. Bobby ‘Lights Out’ Laing talks about his upcoming fight this weekend against Pacman Jones. We discuss the Barstool Sportsbook being live in New Jersey, Dave’s hot dog obsession, and his experience at the DMB concert. Please support our sponsors: Presented by Tradezero Sign up with https://barstool.link/TradeZero Slice Download the app and get $3 off your first order with promo code "DAVE" Trifecta Nutrition Shop meal plans and get 40% off with code DAVE at https://barstool.link/TrifectaBSS ZipRecruiter Try ZipRecruiter for free at ZIPRECRUITER.COM/BARSTOOL
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