Lithuanian Out Loud 0272 – Mes Su Merginomis The Young Women And I - podcast episode cover

Lithuanian Out Loud 0272 – Mes Su Merginomis The Young Women And I

Jul 20, 201212 minTranscript available on Metacast
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Episode description

Hi there, I’m Jack and I’m Gintarė and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud where we offer the world the Lithuanian language.


According to the website "Musical Instruments," the kanklės is an ancient, traditional stringed musical instrument of Lithuania.  The kanklės was carved from a single piece of wood and it was played during sacrifices to the gods or as protection from evil or to keep death away.  The best kanklės were made from old growth forests and the best time to cut wood for a new instrument was between a person's death and burial.


Lithuanian kanklės


Here is the second half of some more practice with the instrumental case.


Now that you’ve learned how to say, “mes su” we’re going to show you another option.  You can also say, I with the dog, aš su šuniu, but then you have to conjugate the verb to the first person.  Let’s use the verb to sleep, miegoti.


I sleep

aš miegu


the dog and I sleep in the bed

mes su šuniu miegame lovoje


the dog and I sleep in the bed

aš su šuniu miegu lovoje


the dogs and I sleep in the bed

mes su šunimis miegame lovoje


the dogs and I sleep in the bed

aš su šunimis miegu lovoje


So, you see you can say, for example, mes su Raminta miegame, Raminta and I sleep.  If you use this form – mes – then you have to conjugate the verb miegoti for mes.  If you want to say, aš, then you have to conjugate the verb miegoti for aš.  


Aš su Raminta miegu - Raminta and I sleep.




to keep in touch



a disco, as in a nightclub



a saleswoman



a waitress



a young woman



the wife and I met in a disco

mes su žmona susitikome diskotekoje


I return in April

grįžtu balandžio mėnesį


Ana and I return in April

mes su Ana grįžtame balandžio mėnesį


Rūta and I keep in touch with the Internet

mes su Rūta bendraujame internetu


Rūta and I keep in touch

aš su Rūta bendrauju


I don’t want to work today

nenoriu šiandien dirbti 


Viktorija and I don’t want to work today

mes su Viktorija nenorime šiandien dirbti 


the young woman speaks Italian

mergina kalba itališkai


the young woman and I speak Italian

mes su mergina kalbame itališkai


the young woman and I speak Italian

aš su mergina kalbu itališkai


the young women and I speak Italian

mes su merginomis kalbame itališkai


the saleswoman is chatting with him

pardavėja su juo šnekučiuojasi


the saleswoman and I are chatting

aš su pardavėja šnekučiuojuosi


the saleswoman and I are chatting

mes su pardavėja šnekučiuojamės


the saleswomen and I are chatting

mes su pardavėjomis šnekučiuojamės


the waitress is cleaning the table

padavėja valo stalą


the waitress and I are cleaning the tables

mes su padavėja valome stalus


the waitress and I are cleaning the tables

aš su padavėja valau stalus


the waitresses and I are cleaning the tables

mes su padavėjomis valome stalus




the moon



a television



a star






a female student



a female teenager



a female friend



I am looking at the moon

žiuriu į mėnulį


Kamilė and I are looking at the moon

mes su Kamile žiurime į mėnulį


Kamilė and I are looking at the moon

aš su Kamile žiuriu į mėnulį


I am watching television

žiuriu televizorių


Rožė and I are watching television

mes su Rože žiūrime televizorių


Rožė and I are watching television

aš su Rože žiūriu televizorių


I am looking at the stars

žiūriu į žvaigždes


Svajonė and I are looking at the stars

mes su Svajone žiurime į žvaigždes


Svajonė and I are looking at the stars

aš su Svajone žiuriu į žvaigždes


my friend has a husband

mano draugė turi vyrą


my friend and I have husbands

mes su drauge turime vyrus


my friend and I have husbands

aš su drauge turiu vyrus


my friends and I have husbands

mes su draugėmis turime vyrus


the baby is sleeping

kūdikis miega


the baby and I are sleeping

mes su kūdikiu miegame


the babies and I are sleeping

mes su kūdikiais miegame


the student cannot sleep

studentė negali miegoti


the student and I cannot sleep

mes su studente negalime miegoti


the student and I cannot sleep

aš su studente negaliu miegoti


the students and I cannot sleep

mes su studentėmis negalime miegoti


sister is having coffee

sesuo geria kavą


sister and I are having coffee

mes su seseria geriame kavą


sister and I are having coffee

aš su seseria geriu kavą


the sisters and I are having coffee

mes su seserimis geriame kavą


sister is working in Kaunas

sesuo dirba Kaune


sister and I are working in Kaunas

mes su seseria dirbame Kaune

mes su seseria dirbam Kaune


sister and I are working in Kaunas

aš su seseria dirbu Kaune


the sisters and I are working in Kaunas

mes su seserimis dirbam Kaune


I work with the authors

dirbu su autoriais


sister and I work with the authors

mes su seseria dirbam su autoriais


the sisters and I work with the authors

mes su seserimis dirbam su autoriais


she lives at home

ji gyvena namuose


she lives at home with her sister

ji gyvena namuose su seseria


she lives at home with her sisters

ji gyvena namuose su seserimis


daughter is eating

duktė valgo


daughter and I are eating

aš su dukteria valgau


daughters and I are eating

mes su dukterimis valgome


daughter and I are singing

mes su dukteria dainuojam


daughter and I are singing

aš su dukteria dainuoju


daughters and I are singing

mes su dukterimis dainuojame


daughter and I are eating

mes su dukterimi valgom


daughter and I are eating

aš su dukterimi valgau


daughters and I are eating

mes su dukterimis valgom


daughter and I are singing

mes su dukterimi dainuojame


daughters and I are singing

mes su dukterimis dainuojame


daughters and I work in Vilnius

mes su dukterimis dirbame Vilniuje


the daughters and I like to play

mes su dukterimis mėgstame žaisti


Šaunuoliai!  Great!  You made it to the end of another episode!  Puiku!  Excellent!


