The world’s most perfect counsel and guidance is available to us 24/7 in the Holy Spirit, but are we treating him like a warning light—ignoring him until the engine blows up.
Life often feels like an out-of-control high speed chase with the enemy’s bullets ricocheting all around us. Did I mention we’re trying to survive it in a Ford Pinto (the world’s most dangerous car)? We long for someone more competent to take the wheel. As believers in Christ, we’ve been given that someone. The Holy Spirit is here. He’s alive inside us. And he’s directing us all the time. In this episode, we’ll talk about who the Holy Spirit is and who He isn’t as well as what He does in and through us.
John 14:15-17
Romans 1:20
My award-winning novel, A Firm Place to Stand, is now available in audiobook. You can find it at all major audiobook retailers, including Spotify, Chirp, Apple books, and Audible.
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