Надоело слушать только Макса?! Отлично!! Сегодня вы услышите прекрасный голос одной учительницы русского языка, которая живёт во Франции и зовут её Катя! Тема нашего разговора: "по чему мы скучаем, когда живём в другой стране?" Приятного прослушивания, дорогие друзья!:)
Tired of listening to Max only!? Great!! Today you will hear the beautiful voice of one Russian teacher who lives in France and her name is Katya! The topic of our conversation is"what do we miss most, when we are living abroad?" Enjoy the show, dear friends! :)
Katya's YouTube channel "Live Russian": https://www.youtube.com/user/esechkaryova
Katya's podcast with stories in Russian: https://anchor.fm/live-russian
This podcast is for learning Russian (A2\lower intermediate and above). My goal is to get you involved in the Russian language through interesting, fun, educational, and controversial topics. I speak clear and slow, explaining words in Russian to build your strong Russian foundation and help you on your way to understand real Russian (TV-shows, movies, podcasts, etc).
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► Join our membership program to get podcast transcripts (PDFs), new vocabulary lists, additional practical materials for podcast episodes
► Find more comprehensible content (short and slow stories, real dialogues with transcripts, etc) at my website: www.russianwithmax.com ----- You can also support the project and keep it absolutely advertisement free!
Social networks:
►Follow my YouTube channel with more than 250 videos for learning Russian
►Stay informed about new content with my Telegram channel
►Follow my instagram although it updates rarely
►Visit RussianWithMax.com to post comments and questions
Музыка(Гусли): Максим Анухин (aka Gudimir)