The transition from trainee to consultant marks an exciting and daunting step in a clinician's career. Suddenly you take on responsibility for everyone on the ward—both patients and other staff. And while clinical skills have been hammered in over years of training, the 'hidden curriculum' can be harder to pick up. The College has recently published How to Thrive as a New Consultant, a handbook to help navigate this period with confidence.
For today's show, guest producer Zacha Rosen spoke to four physicians who look back on their transitions, from six months on to nine years on. They capture the experience of striking out as a leader, manager and mentor to others. At the same time, one doesn't need to have all the answers. Recognising limitations and knowing when and how to seek help is all important. This is equally important in the clinic and in regards to one's own wellbeing. The speakers in this episode describe how they maintain a healthy balance within and around their careers.
Dr Marion Leighton FRACP (Wellington Hospital)
Dr Martina Moorkamp FRACP (Mercy Hospital for Women, Melbourne)
Dr Lawrence Ong FRACP (Westmead Institute For Medical Research)
Dr Ben Vogler FRACP (Cairns Hospital).
This episode was produced by Zacha Rosen, with research assistance from Beverly Bucalon, and hosted by Mic Cavazzini. Recording in Wellington by Ryan Smith. Music courtesy of Lee Rosevere ('Thoughtful', 'Here's the Thing'), Chris Zabriskie ('Wonder Cycle'), and Rosie Catalano ('Waiting'); photo copyright RACP. The production manager was Anne Fredrickson.
Please visit the RACP website for a transcript embedded with citations. Fellows of the College can claim CPD credits for listening and additional reading.