The LACE index is a prognostic algorithm for predicting the likelihood that a newly discharged patient will come back into hospital within 30 days because of complications. Today’s IMJ paper describes a validation of the LACE index in a regional Victorian setting. Identifying patients who are at risk could allow for better targeted care at the first admission, reducing harm to patients and inefficient use of healthcare resources.
The researchers also tested a novel classification tool for scoring which readmissions are avoidable and which are just an unfortunate outcome of the patient’s illness. This could help more accurately track quality of care within and between healthcare service providers.
Prof Christian Gericke PhD FRACP FAFPHM AFRACMA FRCP Edin FEAN FAAN (Calvary Mater, Newcastle; University of Newcastle; University of Queensland)
Dr Reinhardt Dreyer (South West Medicine ; University of Stellenbosch)
Dr James Gome FRACP (South West Medicine, Clinical Director General Medicine)
Produced by Mic Cavazzini. Music licenced from Epidemic Sound includes ‘Treetops’ by Autohacker and ‘The Cold Shoulder’ by Kylie Dailey. Image created and copyrighted by RACP.
Editorial feedback kindly provided by RACP physicians Aidan Tan, Joseph Lee, David Arroyo and Stephen Bacchi.
Key Reference
Causes for 30-day readmissions and accuracy of the LACE index in regional Victoria, Australia [IMJ. 2024]
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