The core work of being a physician is demanding enough. But if you’re seeing patients come in day after day with ailments that have social determinants behind them, you may start to feel like Sisyphus; heaving that boulder up the hill only to have to start from the bottom every time it slips your grasp. Surely it would be better to change those socioeconomic drivers but where do you even begin?
In fact, the three word mission statement of the RACP is Educate - Advocate – Innovate. In this podcast, former General Manager of Policy and Advocacy, Patrick Tobin, explains how the College helps physicians put cases of health equity to those in power. We hear from Kids off Nauru champion Dr Helen Young, and Dr Jin Russell explains how to harness social media to capture the attention of politicians and journalists. The interviews are drawn from an RACP-produced documentary called The Advocate's Journey hosted by Dr Robert Lethbridge. It is ever-more relevant given the high profile of public health in recent times.
Dr Rob Lethbridge FRACP (Perth Children’s Hospital)
Dr Helen Young FRACP (Royal North Shore Hospital; The Children’s Hospital at Westmead)
Patrick Tobin
Dr Jin Russell FRACP (Starship Children's Hospital; University of Auckland)
Written and produced by Mic Cavazzini DPhil. Music licenced from Epidemic Sound includes ‘Missing Memories’ by Christopher Moe Ditlevesen, ‘Kauko’ by Twelwe, ‘Full House Dusk’ by River Foxcroft and ‘No Show (Instrumental)’ by Penny Lane. Image licenced from Getty Images.
Please visit the RACP website for a transcript and supporting references. Fellows of the College can claim CPD credits for listening to the podcast and reading supporting resources.