What was once old is new again – which is why we are discussing Cognitive Apprenticeship with Lisa Christensen, Director of Learning and Development at McKinsey & Company. Jake and Lisa completed a study last year to learn how Covid-19 has impacted learning through apprenticeship. As a result, Lisa went deeper into the field of Cognitive Apprentice to determine how it can make us more efficient and effective (both as the apprentice and teacher) in our everyday interactions. In addition, we discuss traditional apprenticeship vs. cognitive apprenticeship, the methods, techniques to apply the methods, and why it is perceived to be difficult.
If you have any feedback or want to join in on the conversation, connect with us via LinkedIN, Twitter (@bobbyhollywood), or email our show at learninggeekspod@gmail.com.
All thoughts and views are of our own.
"Seagulls Stop it Now" by Bad Lip Reading. Check them out at https://www.youtube.com/user/BadLipReading