Deborah Liu visits Google to discuss her book "Take Back Your Power: 10 New Rules for Women at Work."
We live in a world where women only make up 20% of Russell 300 company board seats; where for every 100 hundred men hired into management, only 86 women are promoted; where women earn six out of every ten college degrees, but make less money. And while we can't make the world fair, we can take back our power. As a woman in Silicon Valley who worked her way to the top of the corporate ladder, Deborah Liu knows firsthand the challenges and obstacles in the workplace that keep the deck stacked against women in the workplace . . . and the ways to overcome them.
Deborah Liu is a seasoned technology executive based in Silicon Valley. She is currently the president and CEO of, the company at the forefront of family history and consumer genomics. Prior to this, she served on the leadership team of Facebook, where she was the Vice President of Facebook App Commerce. During her time there, she founded Facebook Marketplace and created Facebook Pay, Facebook Audience Network, and App Ads. Previously, she spent several years at PayPal, where she led the eBay marketplace product team, created the charitable donations and social commerce teams, and worked in corporate strategy. She also serves on the board of Intuit and is cofounder of the nonprofit Women in Product.
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