Disability-rights advocate and popular YouTuber Chris Ulmer visits Google to discuss his nonprofit “Special Books by Special Kids.”
“Special Books by Special Kids” seeks to expand society's definition of normal by spreading empathy, understanding, and acceptance for neurodiverse and disabled individuals. What started as an idea for a book series became a multi-media movement when special education teacher Chris Ulmer began sharing stories from his classroom on social media. Ulmer began his online presence through Facebook in 2016, and a year later reached 1.2 million followers. In November of 2018, the Special Books by Special Kids YouTube channel reached 1 million subscribers. He has crisscrossed the country interviewing disabled children to give them an opportunity to be seen and accepted. In this Talk, Chris shares how it all started, a few of the touching stories behind his many interactions, and what each of us can do to celebrate the diverse abilities of all those around us.
Originally published in December of 2016.
Visit YouTube.com/TalksatGoogle to watch the video.