It's time for another roundup of top environmental news from the month past, with Macaranga's co-founders Wong Siew Lyn and Law Yao Hua. On this month's list, we have updates on EU’s Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), and how environmental and rights groups have called on the EU to classify Sarawak as "high risk" under these new anti-deforestation regulations, and we also have updates on the first rhino horn smuggling incident to be heard in a Malaysian court, related to one of the largest rhino horn seizures in Malaysia. Finally, we look at the ruling earlier this month that hydropower companies constructing a dam on Indigenous Semai land in Perak state had not obtained proper consent and must cease operations immediately.
Photo credits:
- Rhino horns arranged before burn Talukdar David /
- Deforestation in Borneo by Rich Carey /
- Gopeng Ulu Geruntum Water Fall /
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