#FROMily Send us a text today!
In this podcast episode, the hosts Alex & Lizzie interview Molly Dunsworth, an actress who played a character in the TV show "From." They ask her about how she prepared for the role and whether she used prosthetics or CGI. She explains that she didn't use any prosthetics, but had her hair slicked back and wore a nude tank top to facilitate the use of CGI. She also talks about her experience working on set during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and how the shoot lasted four days. Throughout the interview, the hosts make jokes and engage in lighthearted banter with Dunsworth.
Comment below or send emails and voicemails tofromepixpodcast@gmail.com You can find our contact info and all our other shows at: podcastica.comCheck out Alex on Field to Screen: https://field2screen.buzzsprout.com/You to can become part of our show by showing your support.
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You can find our contact info and all our other shows at: www.podcastica.com
Check out Alex and Lucy on Daddy Daughter BookWorms:
Check out Lizzie on Brains Gone Bad: http://directory.libsyn.com/shows/view/id/brainsgonebad
Check out Lizzie’s book series, Lizzie’s Lost Girls at: https://shorturl.at/cijOP
Podcastica. Fun, in-depth talk about great TV.