Episode description
We take a break from looting, the black market, and murder by starting a new mystery novel about... looting, the black market, and murder. What a refreshing change!
This time, however, we're reading our first fiction novel about archaeologists and murder mysteries that takes place right in our local area in the Florida Panhandle. We're already really enjoying this one!
"Artifacts" is the first of a series of novels called the "Faye Longchamp Mysteries" and is written by Mary Anna Evans.
Book Link:https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/213579 Check us out on Goodreads https://buff.ly/3HtMNe9 #archaeology #FPAN #artifact #history #archeology #archaeologybooksforfun #mystery #novel #FloridaPanhandle #ForgottenCoast #plantation