KEXP Variety Mix DJ Reeves shares a sinister ambient track, some optimistic indie rock, and changes the show name to In Our Chat Pile, in honor of the Oklahoma City-based band. He also shares a sweet story and shout-out to his Dad. Plus, KEXP Music Director Chris Sanley shares a hypnotic track from a long-time KEXP fave band, that she describes as the “middle ground between Radiohead and Young Fathers.“
Listen to the full songs on KEXP's "In Our Headphones 2024" playlist on Spotify or the “What's In Our Headphones” playlist on YouTube.
Listen to DJ Reeves on Saturdays from 2-6 AM PT, or anytime on the 2-week archive, at or the KEXP App.
Hosted and produced by: Janice Headley and Isabel Khalili
Mixed by: Emily Fox
Mastered by: William Myers
Editorial Director: Larry Mizell Jr.
Our theme music is “好吗 (Hao Ma)” by Chinese American Bear
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