Is mental health really a problem in the sport of bodybuilding?
How does mental health affect physical health?
Is social media hurting your mental health?
In this episode of YNA talks, we talk about mental health in bodybuilding with Marcus Rios. Marcus is not only a coach, but also a qualified competitor in men's physique and classic physique looking to go to nationals in the next few years. Mental health awareness in the sport of bodybuilding is often overlooked. Although it's is mainly thought of as a "physical health" dominant type of sport, competitors and average gym goers all around can tell you why mental health is just (if not more) as important.
Marcus finds a discovery in himself that helps him understand his anxiety and why mental health is important. The bodybuilding world can seem like its all glamour and shine, but Marcus explains the true reality of competing. This episode introduces an insightful story of his journey with his personal mental health treatment, mental health issues and how to take care of mental health when it comes to bodybuilding.
The YNA team, along with Marcus, cover several different types of mental health topics including depression, anxiety and body dysmorphia related to bodybuilding. We hope to give viewers engaged in the gym a better understanding of their own mental health and how they can not only improve their own mindsets, but give mental health support to others.
Check out our newest episode of YNA talks on YouTube, Spotify and Apple Podcasts! All links are below...