Hello and welcome to The AwesomeAlgo podcast! Today's guest is Dan Goldman, the founder and CEO of Ultrade.
In this episode, we will be discussing Dan's background and experience in the field of computer science, including their work building institutional-grade crypto trading systems prior to Ultrade. We will delve into the story of how Dan got started in the blockchain and crypto industry and what led them to start Ultrade.
In the second part of the episode, we will take a deep dive into Ultrade's use of the Algorand blockchain and how it differs from other DeFi trading platforms. We will discuss the main L1 Algorand capabilities utilized by the Ultrade platform, as well as the professional trading tools and features available on the platform. Dan will also share some of the interesting challenges faced during development and how Ultrade's "DeFI as a service" approach enables users to deploy their own decentralized exchanges.
Finally, we will hear Dan's predictions for the future of the DeFi space and their advice for aspiring software engineers and entrepreneurs who want to get into blockchain development on Algorand or the web3 space in general.
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