Hello and welcome to The AwesomeAlgo podcast!
Today's guest is Matthieu Dardelle - creator of AlgoWorld project. One of the first collectable card games in Algorand ecosystem, including dedicated explorer, swapper and utility token to incentivise and engage its community.
The episode is structured as follows:
1. Overview of Matt's biography and his journey into Web3 and Blockchain development. Initial ideas behind creating AlgoWorld collectibles game.
2. A deep dive into history of AlgoWorld project supplemented by details from our individual contributions. We start from early days of the project in April 2021, and cover entire development history up until full open sourcing of entire codebase in September 2022.
3. Matt's advice for aspiring software engineers who want to try out blockchain development on Algorand and his take on the future of Blockchain space in general.
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Thank you for listening and I hope you enjoy this episode!
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