Hello and welcome to The AwesomeAlgo podcast!
Today's guest is Aaron Martinez - Founder and a CEO of Headline Inc. A blockchain company developing DEFI solutions and dev tooling for and on Algorand Ecosystem.
This episode covers a variety of products that Headline provides. The episode is structured as follows:
1. Overview of Aaron's biography and his journey on becoming a founder of Headline Inc and exploration of the Algorand ecosystem.
2. An overview of the most popular dev tools, Defi solutions, and protocols created by Headline Inc.
3. A deep dive into HDX. Headline's new Decentralized Exchange and a protocol that are offering unique features and are inspired by Uniswap protocol.
4. Aaron's advice for aspiring software engineers who want to try out blockchain development on Algorand.
I maintain the podcast as a hobby in my free time. The most important thing that you as a listener can do to support it is to simply subscribe to and follow new episodes available on a large variety of podcasting platforms. Thank you for listening and I hope you enjoy this episode! 🙂
If you would like to learn more about affordable smart contract auditing companies mentioned in the episode. Reach out to Aaron at aaron@headline.dev and he will provide references and contacts for those companies.