Hello and welcome to The AwesomeAlgo podcast!
Today's guest is Jeff Stein, a computer science student who created an open source project called AlgoTables that allows people to better explore the Algorand ecosystem.
This episode covers:
1. Jeff's journey into CS and Engineering. Motivation behind AlgoTables.
2. An overview of architecture, dev stack and features of his project. This part also includes a set of suggestions that give to Jeff in regards to potential ways to improve the project in future.
3. Future roadmap for the project and information on how to contribute.
4. Jeff's advice for aspiring computer science students and people interested in pursuing the academic degree in the field.
This podcast is not sponsored by any third parties, I maintain it as a hobby on my free time. The podcast aims to give a platform for anyone in Algorand ecosystem and web3 space to talk about engineering topics in regards to the tools they built.[removed] [removed] The most important thing that you as a listener can do to support it is to simply subscribe and follow new episodes available on large variety of podcasting platforms. Thank you for listening and I hope you enjoy this episode! 🙂