Having returned from his audience on the Reflecting Pool, Sovereign Immunity briefs his SBBR and their allies on the impending arrival of what the Witch in Glass would only refer to as "the Red Light." WIth only one day to prepare, SBBR stalls out, torn on whether to accept their longtime foe's offer of sanctuary or to take their chances on their own. For newcomers Kalar Anakalar and Phrygian, this is both a worry and an opportunity. SBBR may not have the heroic verve that the stories said they did, but that only means that its in need of a push...
This week on PARTIZAN: The Gravity of Absence
///Operation Dossier\\\
Organization for the Foundation of the Orion Republic (OFOR): A group of growing import in Orion territory, who advocate for Orion’s secession from the Divine Princiipality and re-establishment as a league of democratic, merchant republics. Both OFOR and their opposition, the yet-unnamed Principality loyalist faction, have support across class demographics. Many.corporations and independent guilds see OFOR as an opportunity for additional profit, while others believe that leaving the Principality is a risk too great to take.
The Party of the Wolf: One of two quickly growing parties inside of Millennium Break, named for their fallen hero, Valence. Though both parties support revolution, the Party of the Wolf advocates for radical, military action across Partizan and (eventually) the Principality in whole. Currently led by Jesset City.
The Party of the Masque: The other major party emerging inside of Millennium Break. Headed by Gucci Garantine, the Masques believe that a fast revolution will burn itself out (or be snuffed by the attention of the Principality writ large). They advocate for precision military action as part of a larger, ideological campaign that will bring the masses to their side of the conflict.
Gucci Garantine (she/her): Defector from Stel Kesh, controller of House Brightline and HORIZON’s efforts on Partizan. Now a powerful member of Millennium Break’s political class, heading the Party of the Masque.
Jesset City (he/him): Previously worked for Adamant Arms and Manufacturing, Jesset became full time Oxblood Clan lieutenant and then a major figure in Millennium Break. Expert technician, veteran hollow pilot, and Cipher Certified by Stel Nideo. Utilizes prostheses on his right arm, switching between an affordable myoelectric model with grip hooks and a custom model specifically designed for interfacing with a hollow cockpit. SBBR’s CO for this mission.
Agon Ortlights (she/her): Aided by her servicebot companions, Agon worked hard to attain the rank of lieutenant in the Company of the Spade, where she’s become a veteren mercenary, a skilled miner, and a hell of a drinking buddy. In recent days, she and the Company have become major backers of the Party of the Masque inside of Millennium Break. But that doesn't mean that she isn't willing to bring her pragmatic talents to bear for the revolutionary project.
Cas’alear Rizah (cas/cas’, they/them): Leader of the Swordbreakers, sibling of the Glorious Princept. Cas has brown skin with dark green hair up in a bun, with a few strands hanging down in front of their face (which is framed with similarly colored scales covering cas’ jawline and neck. Broken sword tattoos under their eyes. Reputation as being beautiful and brave by allies, unflinching and unpredictable by foes. Pilots the notorious Ataraxia. Was badly wounded in the defense against Motion and GLORY in Auspice.
The Witch in Glass (she/her): A mysterious figure who has recently begun prowling the cursed battlefields of Partizan, supposedly kidnapping, leading away, or otherwise retrieving the wounded and desperate. No one knows where she takes them, but reports always indicate that she arrives after the sound of bells and the appearance of strange distant shape in the sky.
The Figure in Bismuth (he/them): The Right Hand of the Witch in Glass. Former school teacher, now a supernaturally gifted ace pilot. Comes bearing gifts.
Oxbridge: Most bridges connect land to land, but the enormous Bridge of the Ox connects ocean ports to the docks of largest freshwater lake on the moon. Under the bridge rests Oxbridge, a dense city of canals and crimson light, and the first large scale Principality settlement to come to the moon, nearly 1000 years ago.
Oxbridge is split into three regions: Brightsky West, Underbridge, and Brightsky East. To the East and West, merchants, nobles, and the ever-upwardly mobile live, work, shop and play. But below the bridge’s shadow is an undercity of laborers both local and transient, eking by from job to job, day to day, by the fuel of their effort and the light of the red, phosphorescent “lamps” that give Underbridge its distinct glow, even in daytime.
Connecting it all together are a network of waterways, roads, and secret tunnels. And above it all is the Bridge of the Ox, the symbol of Orion’s commitment to (and mastery of) brute-force ideology.
In recent days, Oxbridge has been home to rolling gunfights and bloody skirmishes between those loyal to the Principality and those advocating for the state’s secession and reformation as a league of merchant republics.
Deep Dish Steak House: A loyal bar.
The Red Light: A large figure, covered by red cloth, quickly approaching the Oxbridge shoreline.
The Reflecting Pool: The Witch in Glass’ residence, the recovered and partially repaired body of a broken divine.
Hosted by Austin Walker (@austin_walker) Featuring Janine Hawkins (@bleatingheart), Sylvia Clare (@sylvisurfer), Ali Acampora (@ali_west), Art Martinez-Tebbel (@atebbel), Jack de Quidt (@notquitereal), Keith J Carberry (@keithjcarberry) and Andrew Lee Swan (@swandre3000) Produced by Ali Acampora (@ali_west) and Austin Walker Music by Jack de Quidt (available on bandcamp) Text by Austin Walker Cover Art by Craig Sheldon (@shoddyrobot)A transcription is available for this episode here.
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