This episode carries content warnings for forced human experimentation, teeth, chemical burns, forced bodily transformation.
The Blackwick Group moves with hound-like swiftness through the Interred Citadel towards their quarry. But between the dog and the fox, a dozen-dozen things move. A mumbling stream. A twirl of dried leaves. Shadows on grass. So much to see. And some of the things in between? They hunt too.
This week on Sangfielle: Hark! The Citadel Beneath Pt. 3
The Almanac of the Heartland Rider
Sapodilla: One of, if not the, largest city inside of the walls of Concentus. Sapodilla rests on the western shore of the vast lake that takes up much of southeastern Sangfielle, and prizes itself as the rare hub of culture in the bloodfields. In recent years, the powerful witch hunting organization called the Glim Macula has grown in power there, owing to the city’s focus on furthering “civilization.”
Objects of Interest
Notes On the Paradise Medicine: A collection of research notes from Hollowfield, first hypothesizing that there may be medical advances available on or through Zevunzolia that are not available here in Sangfielle. In the second half, Hollowfield seems to write about a particularly destructive compound and its potential medical uses.
The Marrisa Lefebvre Trilogy: Apparently, in some other world, Kay'Va stretches further. And in this place, they publish books--mystery books. And in a few of them there's a detective by this name who can't help getting herself into trouble.
Facts and Figures
Appletun (he/him): Along with his fellow researchers Bleaser and Getta, Appletun pursues academic research as a low-ranking member of the the Wrights of the Seventh Sun. While others under Mabriella study puppets of a physical sort, Appletun's focus is a more flexible sort of marionette: Fictional characters.
Mabriella du Feza (she/her): Among the Glim Macula, it is said that Mabriella du Feza is an accomplished interrogator, brilliant scholar, and malicious commander. What goes unsaid, because it is not widely known, is her role as a ‘liaison’ from another, even more sinister organization. Queen of Puppets.
Callix, the Aquiline Marquis (he/him, named but unmet): The last reigning Aldominan ruler of Sapodilla, now holding court below his old city streets. But wait, what's this below his Interred Citadel? Might further boulevards yet roll?
Dyre Ode (he/they): When an agent of the almanac pressed this mysterious, masked figure for more information about him, they only repeated their name, as if to ensure we’d print it right, adding “Dyre with Y but Ode as you’d like, a poem said in praise or a debt gone unpaid. It bothers me little, how you spell that name.” The Blackwick Group first encountered this myterious figure during their investigation into Roseroot Hall, where they helped him recover his skull.
Emma Serchilde (she/her): One of the most successful investigators in Glim Macula’s history, Serchilde made her name ferreting out a group of heritrixes who allegedly served a god of slaughter. Where other witch hunters lean on deductive reasoning or evidence collection, Serchilde’s technique is simple: Intimidate witnesses through sheer force of will, using her loyal underlings--Janis, Aztel, and Nelzo--if it becomes necessary to prove that silence will be met with blood. Which isn’t to say that she’s afraid to get her own hands dirty.
Felix Hollowfield (he/him): In many ways, brilliant inventor Felix Hollowfield is the reason for the recent surge in Glim Macula activity. Though the group has stalked the streets of Sapodilla for decades, it was Hollowfield’s collection of tools that both allowed the Macula to face down truly powerful supernatural foes and put a deep and singular fear in the hearts of Sapodillans. His weapons reveal the hidden, nullify the mystical, and ground the transcendent. Where could he have found such ideas as these?
Alaway (varies): Last seen as the waxy, vampiric minister of Yellowfield, Regan, whose generations-long study of technology led him to dream of (and work towards creating) "The City of Lights," a place of flameless fire, energetic implements, and the safety and freedom to live as one wants. Disposed of, for now at least. But the dream yet lives.
Wrights of the Seventh Sun: A secret society dedicated to the construction of Zevunzolia, whatever the cost. Their motivations are many: Some believe that the Devils ought to have continued climbing whent hey escaped hell, that this was not the paradise earned. Otherse believe that Zevunzolia is telos of telos, the end-cause of all end-causes, and thus will inevitably bring itself into being. And given that, to do anything but aid it is to risk exclusion from it, or worse.
Hosted by Austin Walker (@austin_walker)
Featuring Janine Hawkins (@bleatingheart), Ali Acampora (@ali_west), Jack de Quidt (@notquitereal), and Andrew Lee Swan (@swandre3000)
Produced by Ali Acampora
Music by Jack de Quidt (available on bandcamp)
Text by Austin Walker
Cover Art by Craig Sheldon (@shoddyrobot)
A transcription is available for this episode here.
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