Hello and welcome to a quick (well, shockingly long, really) announcement that I'll basically repeat right here in the episode description field!
The important thing is that we're doing our Sangfielle post-mortem next Saturday, June 11th at 2:30 PM EDT, over on our YouTube Channel (youtube.com/friendsatthetable). You can send your questions to tipsatthetable@gmail.com! We can't get through all the incoming questions, but we'll try to get the ones most often asked.
Also: Big thanks this week to the Transcripts at the Table team, who announced that they had finished transcribing all of COUNTER/Weight! That makes it the fifth season transcribed, which is just incredible.
Next, I wanted to shout out everyone who made a game that we used this season. You can find links to all of those right here:
The Ground Itself by Everest Pipkin
Heart: The City Beneath by Grant Howitt and Christopher Taylor
Inhuman Conditions by Tommy Maranges and Cory O'Brien
Ichor-Drowned by Sillion L. and Brendan McLeod
A Visit to San Sibilia by Peter Eijk
Thanks so much for listening to the show this season. We're looking forward to your questions, and then to taking a nice big break before we come back to the Road to PALISADE! As always, you can support the show through our Patreon, at friendsatthetable.cash!