Episode description
Sorry for the late upload everyone, hope you had a spectacular 4th of July! As we transition from Cannabis History June into Plant Health July, we have a wonderful guest on the line with our old friend Breeder Steve! Steve has been hard at work down in Colombia of all places, and he updates us on all the incredible cannabis advancement going on south of the border. He talks about breeding strains that work in an equatorial climate, and what traits he is looking to select for in order to have a thriving, replicable cannabis crop. Steve shares how he brought many modern poly-hybridized strains down to Colombia, and how some adapt to the local climate much better and more quickly than others. Steve then takes the conversation back towards his homeland of Canada, and gives us an update on where Canada fits in the global market scene. He also talks about the good old days in Canada, and what the cannabis culture was like when he was growing up.
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