Wonderful friend of the show Kristina from Bloom Healthcare and formerly from the Chrom Six concentrate company joins the podcast for the very first time! Kristina gives a little background on her history cultivating in Oklahoma, and how medical legalization rocked the state- and propelled her growing career. She expands a little bit on what it's like to hunt phenotypes from seed to solvenetless, and shares some stories about losing amazing cuts from years past. This leads to a conversation about a cut that has been discussed on this show before- the legendary Chrome Cut of Duck Confit, a cross made by Terp Wizard. Kristina talks about her duck's recent "happy accident," and how the pollen is passing all sorts of raunchy and funky profiles onto the progeny- with aromas that make you physically recoil. Those are some seriously "fowl" plants!
GRAND PHENO HUNT ROUND TWO - Who will walk away with $1,000 and the title of Hunt Champion? Next round starts 2/15, pop any seeds you like for Round Two: Battle Royale! More info at www.growcast.com/hunt
BRAND NEW WEBSITE IS LIVE! www.growcast.com join the best community in cannabis - or check out our fool proof and super simplified beginners grow guide today.
GrowCast Seed Co KLM drop coming soon, Members get FIRST DIBS and $20 off per pack!
Code growcast15 now works with grow KITS from AC Infinity! www.acinfinity.com use promo code growcast15 for 15% off the BEST grow fans in the game, plus tents, pots, scissors, LED lights, and now REFILLABLE FILTERS!