Episode description
Dave keeps trying to explain to Tamler that we're not a movie podcast, but somehow they're doing another podcast about movies. This time they each list their top 5 movies featuring moral dilemmas. Also, Tamler tries to rationalize the Woody Allen controversy, Ozymandias from Watchmen says "screw you Paul Bloom," Dave confuses Maggie Gyllenhaal with Droopy, and for the second time ever we have to censor something one of us (Tamler) says. Put on your astronaut adult diapers, folks, it's a long one.
Links- Dylan Farrow's Story [nytimes.com]
- Woody Allen Speaks Out [nytimes.com]
- The Woody Allen Allegations: Not So Fast [thedailybeast.com]
- "It's shockingly easy to create false memories" by Cara Laney [thedailybeast.com]
- Elizabeth Loftus [wikipedia.org]
- Watchmen Graphic Novel [wikipedia.org]
- The Vengeance Trilogy [wikipedia.org]
- Droopy Dog [wikipedia.org]
- Maggie Gyllenhal looks like Droopy Dog [cheezeburger.com]
- "Hard Determinism, Punishment, and Funishment" by Saul Smilansky [philosophycommons.typepad.com]
- The Third Man
- Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance
- In Bruges
- La Femme du Boulanger (The Baker's Wife)
- Gone Baby Gone
- Oldboy (Park Chanwook's not fucking Spike Lee's).
- Mother
- The Maltese Falcon
- Seven
- Solaris
- Shutter Island
- Beast of the Southern Wild.
- 3:10 to Yuma
- The Dark Knight
- Casablanca
- The Insider
- Donnie Brasco
- Maltese Falcon
- Shane
- Do the Right Thing
- Princess Mononoke