Brandon Joe Williams is the founder of, founder of the Contract Killer Course, a podcast host, an author, a king of sarcasm, and an actual king of the nation called The Amnesty Coalition. Brandon specializes in breaking down complex legal systems.
Today, he joins me to discuss several topics that will make you question the foundations of the government, our banks, and how money works. For example, you are unknowingly a part of many contracts that control your life. We discuss personal sovereignty, why and how the government opened a corporation for you at your birth, how car dealerships, mortgage lenders, and banks actually fund your loans, and, my personal favorite, how you can have infinite money.
Key Moments
0:00 Intro
3:57 Where Brandon Got His Start
8:32 Definition of “Person”
10:55 Definition of “United States”
13:06 Definition of “US Citizen”
15:17 Definition of “Naturalization”
17:21 Definition of “State”
24:33 How to be “Located” Anywhere
16:09 Mailing Address vs Residence
29:46 What To Do About Healthcare Benefits
32:31 How to Enforce This with Banks or Government Agencies
34:46 Why You Should Never Retain An Attorney
44:46 Why You Should Do This Despite the Hassle
47:06 How to Become a Noncitizen National of the United States
54:26 Understanding Taxation
57:13 What Your UPPER CASE Name Actually Is
1:00:00 What is Money
1:08:09 Indorsement vs Signature vs Special Indorsement
1:15:21 Real Life Examples
1:19:46 Definition of “Acceptence”
1:21:45 Brandon’s Four Step Process: HITA - Holder, Indorsement, Tender, Acceptance
1:23:07 Brandon’s Active Cases
1:26:46 HITA Continued
1:28:57 Explaining the Federal Reserve Discount Window (aka how to have infinite money)
1:40:16 Why the Government Should Pay for Everything
1:44:01 Definition of “Payment”
1:45:15 - Brandon’s Childhood
1:53:17 - Lightning Round
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