That was not how we thought it would end. The Sounders were absolutely dismantled by Toronto FC, losing 2-0. Maybe we got wrapped up in the narrative or we simply started to believe our own hype, but the Sounders were just not up for it and now we have to try to understand what happened.
Jeremiah, Aaron and Richard Farley try to sort it all out. They also appear to have lost the middle segment. Hope you don’t mind.
This week's music: "Star Blazers Theme", Perry Como - "Seattle", RVIVR - “The Tide”, Woody Guthrie - "Roll On Columbia"
Thanks to James Woollard, Sounders Public Address Announcer, for doing our sponsor reads. You can follow him on Twitter at @BritVoxUS - if you're looking for a British Voice to advertise your business or non-profit, please reach out to him.
Want to hear the music from the show in their glorious, full versions? Check out the Nos Audietis playlist on Spotify!