We’re revisiting some of our most popular and favorite episodes on the podcast.
As an English learner, you must have wondered – what are the things that are preventing me from reaching a breakthrough in English?
You may think it’s just more vocabulary or phrasal verbs, and maybe all those fancy tenses that people use… When in fact, it’s something a lot more basic and primal.
It’s not what ELSE you need to learn, but instead – it’s how YOU think about yourself when speaking English.
Yes, how we think about our English has a big part in how confident we feel when speaking English. Are we thinking kind and empowering thoughts?
Or are we being harsh and critical?
In this episode, I’ll dive deep into explaining how you can reach a breakthrough simply by changing the way you think about your English.
More useful episodes on the topic:
Want to improve your speaking vocabulary? STOP LEARNING NEW WORDS ✋ https://hadarshemesh.com/magazine/improve-speaking-vocabulary/
How To Learn New Vocabulary | Build Pronunciation Confidence? https://hadarshemesh.com/magazine/how-to-learn-new-vocabulary/