On behalf of the Accounting Influencers Podcast Network, this is the "Success in Accounting" show, going live every Monday to 150 countries and 30,000 accounting practitioners, fintech specialists and influencers in the accountancy, CPA and bookkeeping space.
This new panel series includes prominent and influential female leaders and voices in the accounting and fintech world. We have invited female leaders of large accounting firms, global networks, associations and alliances, plus senior figures in accounting fintech companies.
Accounting and fintech has traditionally been a male dominated profession but times are changing. There are now more women than men in accounting generally but they are under-represented in leadership roles. Diversity and the DEI agenda has also risen to prominence as a hot topic. The two objective of these panels are
In today's episode 28, "Inspirational Women Leaders in Accounting Panel 10" features
Avani Desai Chief Executive Officer at Schellman https://www.linkedin.com/in/avani-d-596366/
Gabrielle Luoma Co-Founder and CEO at MOD Ventures https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabrielleluomacpa/
Lori Kaiser Founder + CEO at Kaiser Consulting https://www.linkedin.com/in/lorikaiser/
Nayo Carter-Gray CEO at 1st Step Accounting https://www.linkedin.com/in/nayocartergray/
Hear what makes DIVERSITY, inclusion and DEI important in the accounting and fintech world, the legacy of a male dominated profession and the career obstacles and opportunities for women and under represented groups. We discuss the importance of role models and support networks, leadership styles and inclusive cultures, and share career or life tips for all accounting and fintech professionals who want to become leaders, get promoted, reach the very top or even just to be more recognised/accepted?
You can also watch this on youtube here: https://youtu.be/NnWs7t5QaCE
Watch out for further panels featuring strong female voices with fascinating stories and incredible insights into leadership, diversity and culture.
We'd love to get to know you!
Main show website. For access to every single show with full shownotes: https://accountinginfluencers.com/podcast
For announcements of published shows, tagging guest so you can build your network and offer feedback on the show: https://www.linkedin.com/company/accountinginfluencers
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