Scripture: Genesis 1:1-2:3
Key Takeaways:
“Today as I read Genesis 1–2 my thoughts go to high school biology and physics. How does the biblical depiction of creation relate to the big bang theory and evolution? No doubt, Genesis 1–2 has bearing on our evaluation of these modern scientific accounts of cosmic and human origins. But a moment’s thought will jar us into remembering that this comparison would not have occurred to ancient authors and readers. It is certain that the biblical account of creation was not written to counter Charles Darwin or Stephen Hawking, but it was written in the light of rival descriptions of creation...Since God’s people were constantly tempted to worship the deities of other nations, we shouldn’t be surprised that the biblical accounts of creation were shaped in such a way as to provide a clear distinction from those of other nations.” – Tremper Longman III, How to Read Genesis
+ Creation is God bringing cosmos out of chaos
+ Creation is framing and filling
+ Creation is God revealing himself
Romans 1:20
- Declares the glory of God
Psalm 19:1-2
- Displays the wisdom of God
+ Creation is God’s good gift to us
+ God brings about the new creation like he brought about the first creation
2 Corinthians 4:4-6