Scripture: Romans 1:16-17
The book of Romans answers the deepest questions we have as humans -- who do we belong to and why are we here? If we truly grasp and believe the message of Romans we will personally know God, have an assurance of heaven, and understand the gospel. This fourth sermon covers what the righteousness of God is and why it’s good news to us.
+ Righteousness of God: Something He is
+ Righteousness of God: Something He gives
The righteousness of God is “God’s righteous way to declare unrighteous people ‘righteous,’ by faith.”
+ Justification by Faith is the heart of the Gospel.
+ God declares us righteous without compromising his righteousness
“I had conceived a burning desire to understand what Paul meant in his letter to the Romans, but thus far there had stood in my way that one phrase in chapter one: ‘the righteousness of God.’ I did not love, no I hated this righteous God who punishes sinners. Martin Luther