If you want to find and more importantly live your life purpose, then this video is for you.
Let me demystify what can actually be very straight-forward, help you how to find your own life purpose and show you how to live it even when it scares you.
We all have a life purpose which is bigger than us but most people either don't know how to find it or deny it in one way or another.
In this episode I discuss my experience of finding and living my own life purpose and talk about how and why my purpose has grown and developed over the years.
I will also give you some basic yet powerful techniques to help you find your own life purpose which can be easier than you might think. That's often the case because whilst most people claim not to have found it or not to know what they are really here to do, for many, even a little bit of gentle questioning will reveal it.
For others it can require more effort and clearing of our own negative feelings which can include things like;
· Being scared to come out of our comfort zone or leave behind the day job.
· Not feeling we have enough money, talent, contacts, knowledge or ability to even consider it.
· Not feeling worthy of doing something special.
· Fearing failure so we don’t even attempt something so big.
For example, it took me some months of healing and personal development to feel good enough inside myself to even start to open to the possibility of living my life purpose yet alone to know what it was.
However long it takes you, once you do find your life purpose, it should excite you, however, it is also likely that it will scare you at least a little.
Your job then is to prepare yourself to live the purpose you have been given by taking external steps towards it and by clearing your internal blocks. Overcoming your fears, doubts and insecurities until you feel completely ready is a key part of the process as is transforming any limiting beliefs.
In fact, everyone I know who has found and is living their life purpose, including my coaching clients, have had to and continue to do that even as they live it.
Taking the first step is often the hardest but once you do so you are on the right path. Staying on it becomes easier with the right tools. Just taking the next practical step and clearing your fears will help you live your life purpose.
My hope and intention for this episode is to inspire you to change and to help you identify your own life purpose and live it.
If you would like to have an initial conversation to find and live your own life purpose then please contact me for a free, zero-obligation 20 minute consultation to help you do so.
Alternatively, if you want to jump straight into it, please visit my website and book a discovery session.
Adam Tallamy is the founder of Feel It, and of the Hero Process which is a methodology that helps people reclaim their power and gives them the tools to do so.
+44(0)7779 125 828
Credit and thanks to Ben Sound for providing royalty free music for this episode about how to find and live your life purpose. https://www.bensound.com/