"Then, as he backed up a step, he saw the top of Victor’s head crane up towards the ceiling, and he heard Victor say, “Hey, were there always chairs on the ceiling?” Andrew’s blood ran cold. The ceiling? What the Hell was he talking about?"
Can a house come alive and lure you in? And try to make you stay? In Dan's opening episode story, he tells the tale of two childhood friends, Andrew and Victor. The pair begin work on a very old, Victorian house and the odd occurrences start from the moment they enter the house. What is happening in this house remains a mystery... until the very end. Then it's off to France for the story of the Green Lady of the Château de Brissac. While visiting the ancient chateau, various accounts of a woman in green have been reported. Sometimes she simply floats down the hall. When she looks up at you, her face isn't quite right. Why is that? Tune in to find out just what happened to this woman.
Lynze goes back to the basics with a fan story about the Hat Man. In her first story, fan Mike tells his tale of how the Hat Man has been following him for 20+ years. Mike seems to have invited him in when he was just a teenager. It all started with a scrying mirror. If you weren't afraid of playing with mirrors before, you might be now. Then, for her second story, Lynze will have you traveling from Hawaii to Kentucky. A young couple with their sweet daughter move into a home in Kentucky after her Dad was transferred there. The moments of the house revealing its hauntedness come in waves and cause the family to GTFO. Then, for a little bit of fan fiction! Young fan, Trey, sent in an original work. Check it out!
Thank you for continuing to send in your stories, Creeps and Peepers!
Please keep doing so. Send them to mystory@scaredtodeathpodcast.com Send everything else to info@scaredtodeathpodcast.com
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Thanks again to the Roberts and Annabelles who are part of the Bad Magic Productions family for both employing us and helping us donate to various causes. We recorded this episode in April so hang tight for the May charity announcement.
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Video/Audio by Bad Magic Productions
Additional music production by Jeffrey Montoya
Additional music production by Zach Cohen
Various free audio provided by http://freesound.org
Opening Sumerian protection spell (adapted):
"Whether thou art a ghost that hath come from the earth, or a phantom of night that hath no home… or one that lieth dead in the desert… or a ghost unburied… or a demon or a ghoul… Whatever thou be until thou art removed… thou shalt find here no water to drink… Thou shalt not stretch forth thy hand to our own… Into our house enter thou not. Through our fence, breakthrough thou not… we are protected though we may be frightened. Our life you may not steal, though we may feel SCARED TO DEATH."