Dan shares a scary and sad tale about the Sand Hill Road. The tunnels that run under Las Vegas are full of real, living people who are homeless but what if they are not only battling a hard life? What if there is something else down there with them? Then we visit with the Warren's again. A bizarre poltergeist tale in the 70's in Connecticut. Lynze has her usual two stories for you this week. Randomly themed with back to back tales about little kids, who are both creepy in real life and in the afterlife.
200th Episode Next Week! Quick note that NEXT week is our 200th episode. Whoo hooo!! Thanks for sticking around for 200 straight weeks of Scared to Death. Coming up on our 4 year anniversary. Just like for the 100th episode, we’ll turn the show into a little drinking game if you want to play. The episode will also feature an extra story from me, and some extra banter at the end, similar to our bonus episodes, talking about the fun ride this has truly been.
Bad Magic Productions Monthly Patreon Donation: Over the years, we have tried to donate back to our local community here in Coeur D Alene. This month, we have decided that in honor of Pride month, we are going to donate locally to the North Idaho Pride Alliance whose mission is to connect LGBTQIA+ people and allies to various community groups so they may create a more inclusive North Idaho through Networking, Educating and Advocating. We will be donating $13,540 to North Idaho Pride Alliance and putting $1,505 into our scholarship fund. If you want to learn more about North Idaho Pride Alliance, you can visit
Standup: If you want to see a very different side of Dan than you see here and possibly see Lynze in the crowd... well you will have to wait until this fall! But get your tickets now and give yourself something to look forward to! He will be all over the US so be sure go to for ticket links to shows.
Thank you for continuing to send in your stories, Creeps and Peepers!**
Please keep doing so. Send them to
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Mailing Address:
Scared to Death
c/o Timesuck Podcast
PO Box 3891
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816
Video/Audio by Bad Magic Productions
Additional music production by Jeffrey Montoya
Additional music production by Zach Cohen
Various free audio provided by
Opening Sumerian protection spell (adapted):
"Whether thou art a ghost that hath come from the earth, or a phantom of night that hath no home… or one that lieth dead in the desert… or a ghost unburied… or a demon or a ghoul… Whatever thou be until thou art removed… thou shalt find here no water to drink… Thou shalt not stretch forth thy hand to our own… Into our house enter thou not. Through our fence, breakthrough thou not… we are protected though we may be frightened. Our life you may not steal, though we may feel SCARED TO DEATH."