"C whirled around, momentarily picking his eyes up from the floor, and he found himself staring straight into the mirror. And directly BEHIND him, he saw a dead man.
A dead man who was weirdly blurry around the edges.
As C watched, frozen and horrified, blood began to pour out of a hole in the man’s chest, spattering the floor, the walls, and even against C’s clothes"
Our first tale is about The Hammersmith Ghost Murder Case! Starting in November 1803, the British citizens of Hammersmith were worried about the typical concerns of daily life we all still worry about - money, health, taxes, family squabbles, neighborhood crime, etc.They were also worried about something not of this world.They worried that something paranormal was going to attack them like it had allegedly already attacked some of their neighbors.
Now, in our second story, we explore the lore of other cultures. Every culture in the world has its own unique spin on the supernatural. Every religion has their own demons - or demonic equivalents - including Hinduism. From what we understand, the Hindu religion teaches and warns about three primary groups of evil entities. First the Bhuts [ boots ] also sometimes called bhutas [boo tuhs]. The Bhuts are supernatural creatures - often called ghosts. Usually they are described as being the sprit of a deceased person, often considered to be perturbed and restless due to some factor that prevents the spirit from moving on.Next there are Pretas [ prey-tuhs ] - eternally hungry, zombie-like entities. They are the wandering, tortured souls of those who were false, corrupted, compulsive, deceitful, jealous or greedy in life.These dark entities wander the earth at all times, generally unable to be seen. Always miserable. Always looking to feed.And then there are the Pishachas [ pee shakas]. The worst of the dark spirits. What happens when one encounters a Pishacha?
Closing out the show, we have two tales, both which feel unbelievable. A story of possible alien abduction and a loss of time and as story about how psychics might have more power than we want to believe.
Thank you for continuing to send in your stories, Creeps and Peepers!
Please keep doing so. Send them to mystory@scaredtodeathpodcast.com Send everything else to info@scaredtodeathpodcast.com
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Video/Audio by Bad Magic Productions
Additional music production by Jeffrey Montoya
Additional music production by Zach Cohen
Various free audio provided by http://freesound.org
Opening Sumerian protection spell (adapted):
"Whether thou art a ghost that hath come from the earth, or a phantom of night that hath no home… or one that lieth dead in the desert… or a ghost unburied… or a demon or a ghoul… Whatever thou be until thou art removed… thou shalt find here no water to drink… Thou shalt not stretch forth thy hand to our own… Into our house enter thou not. Through our fence, breakthrough thou not… we are protected though we may be frightened. Our life you may not steal, though we may feel SCARED TO DEATH."