We are heading to an abandoned and allegedly haunted asylum in New York state - Letchworth Village. Some history first, mentions of the types of sightings claimed to have occurred there, and then a super creepy modern encounter claim. Next, we’ll explore some near death experience cases. Not everyone claims to see a white light when they die… some people have claimed to have literally gone to Hell and been given a little taste of what some believe awaits much of humanity in an afterlife. Then to Vermont for two tales from different locations: Brattleboro Retreat and Hamilton Falls. Closing out the episode with a hat man story that might leave you wondering if we have been wrong about the hat man all along.
New Merch: Very cool new 'Planchette' design now available. A simple 2 color design featuring a bejeweled skull planchette and our classic S2D logo and book of ghosts icon. You can choose between a tee and baseball tee. Be sure to also check out all the latest releases like the New Protection Ritual Collection, Melting Face Collection, New Stickers and more. Head on over to and check it all out!
Bad Magic Productions Monthly Patreon Donation: On both Scared To Death and Timesuck, we talk about a lot of death in a variety of ways. And while we as a people have a fascination with murder mystery, at the end of the day, the deceased was someone’s son, wife, grandmother, uncle and so on. When a family looses a loved one in a cold case, the affects of it are painful in ways we can’t understand. The DNA Doe Project is a non profit with a simple humanitarian mission: to identify John and Jane Does using investigative genetic genealogy. We want help give some healing to those who has suffered such significant loss. Our donation amount this month is $13,988 with $1,554 also being added to the scholarship fund. To learn more, please visit
Standup:Standup: If you want to see a very different side of Dan than you see here and possibly see Lynze in the crowd... well you will have to wait until this fall! But get your tickets now and give yourself something to look forward to! He will be all over the US so be sure go to for ticket links to shows.
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Scared to Death
c/o Timesuck Podcast
PO Box 3891
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816
Video/Audio by Bad Magic Productions
Additional music production by Jeffrey Montoya
Additional music production by Zach Cohen
Various free audio provided by
Opening Sumerian protection spell (adapted):
"Whether thou art a ghost that hath come from the earth, or a phantom of night that hath no home… or one that lieth dead in the desert… or a ghost unburied… or a demon or a ghoul… Whatever thou be until thou art removed… thou shalt find here no water to drink… Thou shalt not stretch forth thy hand to our own… Into our house enter thou not. Through our fence, breakthrough thou not… we are protected though we may be frightened. Our life you may not steal, though we may feel SCARED TO DEATH."