5 Years ago I made my first ever online sale. It sounds cliche but I really couldn’t believe it when it happened. It was a Saturday morning and I received a Paypal notification on my phone and here’s what went through my head:
“WTF! Someone, from somewhere in the world just found me online and decided to send me their hard-earned money to buy an ebook I had created from nothing on my computer. And I was able to deliver that product, without having to ship any physical goods earning almost pure profit.”
No joke, I literally ran and told my wife Hayley what had just happened.
Today, 5 years on, I want to share this story and a message to anyone who’s thinking about starting or who has just started their online business.
Show notes » https://paulminors.com/173
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Intro/Outro Music: "Synthia" by Scott & Brendo
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