Episode description
IN THIS EPISODE: CONNECTION to people and CONNECTION the between nervous system and the body Seth see’s people in PATTERNS – and behavior mirrors patterns How people get stuck in patterns When we are stressed we go back to the habits that got us there How stress affects breathing Tissues muscles and joints can get stuck in a pattern that the brain perceives as a threat/ dangerous Type A, results/goal oriented personality types and risk of higher tension closed/narrow focused = further perpetuating (mentally rigid/tighter = physically tighter) Not open to learning something new REAL vs. PERCEIVED “threats” OPENNESS & willingness to change and adapt to new patterns Stacked Breathing: or inhale on top of inhale. In a chronically stressed state the brain prioritizes your heart to maximize oxygen intake because we need oxygen to fight or flight (basically we need oxygen in order to move and be alert) Learning to exhale fully lends itself to decreased muscular tension “That’s really what mindfulness is, it’s redirection attention and bringing awareness into the present moment” “I teach people how to regulate themselves — to become more self-aware. By integrating body and mind you can regain mastery of your own life. Learn how […]
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